Gender: male
Born: 1993
Residence: Hong Kong
Energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly smart seawater desalination system
Development of a meta-solid-state electrolyte in Li-ion Batteries
Non-flammable solid-state rechargeable Li-ion batteries for rescue and public safety applications
Development of functionalized aramid nanofibers and their composites
Preparation of epoxy-based composites with fast-phase-transfer method
Electrolyte preparation: liquid electrolytes, quasi-solid electrolytes, solid electrolytes
Battery assembly: coin cells, pouch cells, flexible batteries, blade batteries
Battery tests: EIS, CV, LSV, GCD, coulombic efficiency, transference number
Materials characterizations: FTIR, Raman, UV-Vis, XPS, NMR, XRD, TGA, DSC, DMA, SEM, TEM, POM, Mechanical test
Atomic simulations:
C programming, Python programming, MATLAB, HTML/CSS, Jupyter Notebook, Linux
Machine learning, Deep learning, Scikit-learn, PyTorch
3ds Max modeling, OriginLab, Matplotlib, Gnuplot
Blogs: CSDN
HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award
Postgraduate Studentship of HKUST
Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang University
Award of Honor for Graduate
Excellent Student Awards
Kingboard Scholarship
Second-Class Scholarship for Outstanding Students
Elite League Cadres
Excellent Communist Party Member
Teaching assistant coordinator (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, HKUST)
Bodybuilding promotion and guidance (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University)
Director of the Department of Sports (Lantian Campus, Zhejiang University)
Filing clerk (Zhejiang University)
Yu B, Wang W, Zhou G, Song Y, Peng M. Rapid and scalable synthesis of novel carboxylated aramid nanofibers for simultaneously improving the strength and toughness of carbon fiber/epoxy laminates. Composites Science and Technology. 2024,245,110320.
Yu J1, Zhou G1, Li Y, Wang Y, Chen D, Ciucci F. Improving Room-Temperature Li-Metal Battery Performance by In Situ Creation of Fast Li+ Transport Pathways in a Polymer-Ceramic Electrolyte. Small. 2023,19(39),2302691.
Wang Y, Liu J, Song Y, Yu J, Tian Y, Robson MJ, Wang J, Zhang Z, Lin X, Zhou G, Wang Z, Shen L, Zhao H, Grasso S, Ciucci F. High-Entropy Perovskites for Energy Conversion and Storage: Design, Synthesis, and Potential Applications. Small Methods. 2023,7(4),2201138.
Shen L, Wang Y, Yu J, Zhou G, Liu J, Robson MJ, Zhou Y, Effat MB, Ciucci F. Strain engineering of antiperovskite materials for solid-state Li batteries: a computation-guided substitution approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2023,11(35),18984-18995.
Zhou G, Yu J, Ciucci F. In situ prepared all-fluorinated polymer electrolyte for energy-dense high-voltage lithium-metal batteries. Energy Storage Materials. 2023,55,642-651.
Zhou G1, Mei Y1, Wang Y, Zhou S, Bin Mamtaz MR, Tang CY, Ciucci F. Recovery of Salinity Gradient Energy with an Inorganic Sodium Superionic Conductor. ACS Energy Letters. 2022,7(5),1806-1813.
Zhou G, Yu J, Liu J, Lin X, Wang Y, Law HM, Ciucci F. Quasi-solid electrolytes with tailored lithium solvation for fast-charging lithium metal batteries. Cell Reports Physical Science. 2022,3(2),100722.
Wu J, Lin C, Liang Q, Zhou G, Liu J, Liang G, Wang M, Li B, Hu L, Ciucci F, Liu Q, Chen G, Yu X. Sodium-rich NASICON-structured cathodes for boosting the energy density and lifespan of sodium-free-anode sodium metal batteries. InfoMat. 2022,4(4),e12288.
Law HM1, Yu J1, Kwok SCT, Zhou G, Robson MJ, Wu J, Ciucci F. A hybrid dual-salt polymer electrolyte for sodium metal batteries with stable room temperature cycling performance. Energy Storage Materials. 2022,46,182-91.
Yu J1, Lin X1, Liu J1, Yu JTT, Robson MJ, Zhou G, Law HM, Wang H, Tang BZ, Ciucci F. In Situ Fabricated Quasi-Solid Polymer Electrolyte for High-Energy-Density Lithium Metal Battery Capable of Subzero Operation. Advanced Energy Materials. 2022,12(2),2102932.
Lin X1, Zhou G1 (co-first author), Robson MJ, Yu J, Kwok SCT, Ciucci F. Hydrated Deep Eutectic Electrolytes for High-Performance Zn-Ion Batteries Capable of Low-Temperature Operation. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021,32(14),2109322.
Lin X1, Zhou G1 (co-first author), Liu J1, Robson MJ, Yu J, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Kwok SCT, Ciucci F. Bifunctional Hydrated Gel Electrolyte for Long-Cycling Zn-Ion Battery with NASICON-Type Cathode. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021,31(42),2105717.
Yu J, Liu J, Lin X, Law HM, Zhou G, Kwok SCT, Robson MJ, Wu J, Ciucci, F. A solid-like dual-salt polymer electrolyte for Li-metal batteries capable of stable operation over an extended temperature range. Energy Storage Materials. 2021,37,609-18.
Lin X1, Yu J1, Effat MB1, Zhou G, Robson MJ, Kwok SCT, Li H, Zhan S, Shang Y, Ciucci F. Ultrathin and Non-Flammable Dual-Salt Polymer Electrolyte for High-Energy-Density Lithium-Metal Battery. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021,31(17),2010261.
Zhou G, Lin X, Liu J, Yu J, Wu J, Law HM, Wang Z, Ciucci F. In situ formation of poly(butyl acrylate)-based non-flammable elastic quasi-solid electrolyte for dendrite-free flexible lithium metal batteries with long cycle life for wearable devices. Energy Storage Materials. 2021,34,629-639.
Lin X1, Zhou G1 (co-first author), Liu J1, Yu J, Effat MB, Wu J, Ciucci F. Rechargeable Battery Electrolytes Capable of Operating over Wide Temperature Windows and Delivering High Safety. Advanced Energy Materials. 2020,10(43),2001235.
Zhang Z1, Liu J1, Curcio A, Wang Y, Wu J, Zhou G, Tang Z, Ciucci F. Atomically dispersed materials for rechargeable batteries. Nano Energy. 2020,76,105085.
Wang W, Zhou G, Yu B, Peng M. New reactive rigid-rod aminated aromatic polyamide for the simultaneous strengthening and toughening of epoxy resin and carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2020,197,108044.
Zhou G, Wang W, Peng M. Molecular-level dispersion of rigid-rod sulfonated aromatic polyamides in epoxy resin for extraordinary improvement in both strength and toughness. Polymer. 2019,163,20-8.
Zhou G, Wang W, Peng M. Functionalized aramid nanofibers prepared by polymerization induced self-assembly for simultaneously reinforcing and toughening of epoxy and carbon fiber/epoxy multiscale composite. Composite Science and Technology. 2018,168,312-9.
Zhou G, Yao H, Zhou Y, Wang W, Peng M. Self-assembled complexes of graphene oxide and oxidized vapor-grown carbon fiber for simultaneously enhancing the strength and toughness of epoxy and multi-scale carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Carbon. 2018,137,6-18.
Yao H, Zhou G, Wang W, Peng M. Silica nanoparticle-decorated alumina rough platelets for effective reinforcement of epoxy and hierarchical carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2018,110,53-61.
Yao H, Zhou G, Wang W, Peng M. Effect of polymer-grafted carbon nanofibers and nanotubes on the interlaminar shear strength and flexural strength of carbon fiber/epoxy multiscale composites. Composite Structures. 2018,195,288-96.
Peng M, Zhou Y, Zhou G, Yao H. Triglycidyl para-aminophenol modified montmorillonites for epoxy nanocomposites and multi-scale carbon fiber reinforced composites with superior mechanical properties. Composite Science and Technology. 2017,148,80-8.
Yu J, Kwok SCT, Zhou G, Lin X, Ciucci F. Quasi-solid polymer electrolyte for high-energy-density Li-metal battery capable of sub-zero operation. US Provisional Patent Application. 2021.
Zhou G, Kwok SCT, Yu J, Ciucci F. Synchronous Process for Producing Non-Flammable Quasi-Solid-State Electrolyte and Solid-State Batteries Using the Electrolyte. US Provisional Patent Application. 2020.